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We have a Brilliant Solution to

Turn Your Existing Customers

Into a Potential Goldmine!!

A SIMPLE Solution Virtually All of Your Customers Will Love!!

Something they all really need and many will want as well.

(No Investment / No Inventory / No Selling for you, or them)

Nick and Lynn.JPG

Hello Food and Drink Friend...

Your restaurant, bar or coffee shop, even if it's been closed temporarily, or for good, is a potential goldmine for you. You see, your customer base that you built up over the years is still extremely valuable, if you're still in business, or even if you close the doors. Seriously, once you get all the details, you're gonna see the incredible (real) income potential here!! Maybe even bigger than ever before.  Keep reading (closely) to find out more...

My name is Nick "Joe Caffeine" Hetcher. Try growing up with that name. lol. I have a passion and perfect solution for helping small businesses like yours to become more successful. Potentially much more successful, even if you've had to close the doors. Please read the content below, carefully, then let's talk. (BTW, my Restaurateur Rescue solution has nothing to do with my coffee joke book).


We want to help as many restaurant owners as possible (and their employees and families)... get back on your feet again. Or, even if you're closed permanently and never want to be in the restaurant business again, we can help you. Were talking in a BIG way. Nothing complicated here. A SIMPLE system that's a perfect fit for the restaurant owner.

We have a brilliant system that will have many of your current (or past) customers eagerly supporting you, financially. In fact, on a monthly basis, and once they start, you won't have to ever bother them again, yet they'll gladly keep supporting you month after month, even if you have closed your business.


If the pandemic has forced your business to slow down, or even close, to the point whether you don't know if you can survive financially or not... don't be discouraged or depressed. 


We have a "real" solution for you. It's called Restaurateur Rescue and it can have you back on your feet, potentially prospering more than ever before, within just weeks or months from now.



1)  If you follow the extremely simple system, you'll start making money within days to weeks from today. How serious you are about it determines your success level. Don't worry, it takes far less time than most small business owners invest in their brick and mortar business.

2)  Create an on-going (residual) income, fast. (Potentially 6+ figures profit in your first year or two if you work at it). I'm dead serious. Do it with your existing business and customers, or even if you have been forced to close, you can still do it solely and crush it. And, we'll even help you at no cost to you. The more we help you, the more we help ourselves in the process so it pays to work together as a team. You won't be alone in this.

3) Virtually every one of your past and future customers (and even competitors) are potential on-going revenue streams for you. Read that one again and let it sink in.

4) NO Investment.

5) NO Inventory needed.

6) NO Selling.

7) NO pandemic will harm this income stream

8) Full Support and Training... at no cost from 6 and 7 figure earners/mentors. We will show you step-by-step exactly how to make this work for your business, your bottomline. (Consulting alone like this could cost you thousands of dollars, however, with us it's absolutely free.  How? We're teamed up with and paid by a multi-billion dollar company, after we help you earn income, not before). 

RESTAURANTEUR RESCUE... is a Real Solution with Real (Incredible) Results!

How would you like to support your local competitors (yes, other restaurants, bars and coffee shops) and earn even more by supporting them?  With the Restaurateur Rescue system you can. 

Sounds insane, right? Actually, when you learn how this all works, I think you'll see the brilliance in it and wonder why you weren't doing it before. 

You have worked hard to build a customer base that... knows, likes and trusts you. Restaurateur Rescue simply helps you continue to benefit from them as they in turn benefit as well.  (You will learn all the details on a short webinar, and more when we talk on the phone live after that. It's a total win-win for everyone involved. It really is). 

You have nothing to lose and potentially everything to gain. If you've been forced to close your doors, or even if you're still open for business, this can be a perfect solution for your future success, starting this week. Think about it, even if you are able to stay open, how would another pandemic hurt your business in the future? We have a fantastic (simple) solution for you...  it's called Restaurateur Rescue!!

Have you been forced to close and don't think you'll be able to reopen?

If this is the problem... Restaurateur Rescue has the solution for you to profit from your losses. The best part is that you will not need to: re-open (unless you want to), put up investment money, stock inventory of any kind, sell anything, and you can even to do it from home with no employees or overhead of any kind. Sounds too good to be true, right?  Actually, it's a highly proven system that I have now developed for restaurant, bar, coffee shop and other small business owners. There's no need to worry any longer. Restaurateur Rescue has got your back.  



STEP #1)... Watch this 3 minutes video first: (Don't pre-judge, it's just the overview. You'll learn the actual exciting details in step #2 and #3)

STEP #2)... Fill in the short form there, and then watch the webinar with my friend, "Jeff." (He earned about $3 million dollars last year. Mostly profit. All working from home. But this is so much fun you can hardly call it work. He's going to show you how he did it, and how you can potentially duplicate his success.  Maybe not making 7 figures yearly like him, but that is possible. (Note: Jeff gives a powerful (general) overview and does not get into how this will work for restaurant, etc. owners specifically.  You and I will get into that when we talk).

STEP #3)... Contact me... and I'll fill in the blanks on how our system can rescue your business if that's what you want, or create an entirely new income stream for you. We'll discuss how this can work "specifically" for you, past or current business owner. If we decide this is a fit (again, there's no cost for our consulting and training, and no investment or inventory to buy), then I'll personally help you implement the Restaurateur Rescue system so you can start making money within days to weeks from now. 


* AFTER you go through steps 1, 2 and 3... Contact me (Nick) and I'll answer any questions you have, and explain why this is a super simple, no-brainer solution for you and makes perfect sense for restaurants, bars and coffee shops. Even other small businesses. And, how our team will help you. Remember, there's no cost to put us to work for you to help save your business, and add extra revenue to your bottom line. You'll want to be among the very first in your area to team up with Restaurateur Rescue Make sure to do steps 1, 2 and 3. I can only work closely with a hand full of business owners right now so please get back to me only if you are sincerely interested after watching the webinar in step 2.

YOU have a Great Advantage... Being a local business owner (past or present) using the Restaurateur Rescue system gives you a HUGE advantage for success. I'll explain exactly WHY and HOW you can CRUSH this when we talk. If you're excited about the possibilities, I'm looking forward to talking real soon. 

This is your "shortcut" back to success. Prove me wrong (Good luck with that. lol)



Nick (and Lynn) Hetcher (former restaurant servers

and author of the Coffee Joke Book)

Call or Text: 920-413-1199

Disclaimer: Even though this may be a great solution for many restaurant owners and their employees (as well as other retail businesses), we are not able to legally make any income claims or guarantees. 

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